Rebuilding Lviv Polytechnic National University Dormitories

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  • Ubicación Ukraine, point-mapNaukova Street, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Archivado o 26 / 08 / 2023
£ 516
£ 5,976
£ 6,146
12 Cofinanceiros
  • Achegando £ 17

    Digital thank you card

    An online thank you card by the project team.

    > 06 Cofinanceiros
  • Achegando £ 43

    Digital thank you card by LPNU students' team

    A digital thank you card by LPNU students' team

    > 02 Cofinanceiros
  • Achegando £ 85

    Thank you card and bronze donor's badge

    A digital thank you card by the project team and a donors’ bronze badge that can be showcased on social media.

    > 00 Cofinanceiros
  • Achegando £ 171

    Thank you card and gold donor's badge

    A digital thank you card by the project team and a donor's gold badge that can be showcased on social media.

    > 01 Cofinanceiros
  • Achegando £ 427

    Thank you card and silver donor's badge

    A digital thank you card by the project team and a donor's silver badge that can be showcased on social media.

    > 00 Cofinanceiros

Acerca deste Proxecto

Rekindling Hope

Necesidades Infraestrutura Mínimo Óptimo
1. Rebuilding and renovation costs
Description: the expenses required to rebuild and repair the damaged dormitories, such as construction materials, labor costs, and hiring professionals for the renovation work (50% of budget: minimum - 5000 euros; optimum - 10000 euros).
£ 2,561
3. Infrastructure and utilities
Description: plumbing and electrical installations (ensuring proper functioning of water supply, drainage, and electrical systems), internet and Wi-Fi setup (providing internet connectivity for the students' academic needs) (15% of budget: minimum - 1500 euros; optimum - 3000 euros).
£ 1,707
Necesidades Material Mínimo Óptimo
Furnishing and equipment
Description: beds, mattresses, and bedding (providing comfortable sleeping arrangements for the students); study desks, chairs, and storage solutions (equipping the dormitories with essential furniture for studying and storage); common area furniture (creating communal spaces with seating, tables, and recreational facilities); kitchen equipment (installing necessary appliances and utensils in shared kitchen areas) (30% of budget: minimum - 3000 euros; optimum - 6000 euros).
£ 1,707
Necesidades Tarefa Mínimo Óptimo
4. Campaign expenses and platform fees
Description: marketing and promotion (allocating funds for advertising, online campaigns, and printed materials to raise awareness about the crowdfunding campaign), Goteo platform fees (considering the fees charged by the platform for hosting the campaign) (5% of budget: minimum - 500 euros; optimum - 1000 euros).
£ 171
Total £ 5,976 £ 6,146

Información xeral

We are devastated to inform you that the dormitories of Lviv Polytechnic National University, a prominent educational institution in Ukraine, have been severely damaged due to a missile strike on Lviv on 6 July, 2023. This catastrophic event has left hundreds of students, who were volunteering, weaving camouflage nets and generally actively supporting the Ukrainian army, homeless and in dire need of support.

Our crowdfunding campaign, "Rekindling Hope," aims to rebuild the dormitories of Lviv Polytechnic National University. By joining hands with compassionate individuals like you, we can provide a safe and comfortable living environment for the affected students. Our project stands out for its emphasis on community engagement and the power of collective action. With your support, we can rebuild the dormitories, rekindle hope, and empower students to continue their education amidst adversity. Together, we can make a lasting impact on their lives.

Características básicas

Three key characteristics of our project:
1) community engagement - we believe in the power of collective action and encourage individuals to join forces and contribute to the rebuilding efforts. By fostering a sense of community, we can create a strong support network for the affected students;
2) student empowerment - our goal is to empower students to continue their education amidst adversity. By providing them with safe and comfortable living spaces, we aim to create an environment where they can focus on their studies and regain a sense of stability;
3) resilience and hope - through this campaign, we aspire to instill a sense of resilience and hope among the affected students. By rebuilding the dormitories, we send a powerful message that their education and future are worth investing in, despite the challenges they have faced.

Goals of the project:

- rebuild the dormitories - the primary objective is to raise funds to rebuild the damaged dormitories of Lviv Polytechnic National University, ensuring that the students have a secure and suitable place to live;
- provide a safe and comfortable environment - we aim to create a living environment that enhances the wellbeing and academic trajectory of the affected students. This includes facilities that support their physical and mental health, as well as their educational needs;
- support education amidst adversity - by rebuilding the dormitories, our project aims to enable the students to continue their education without disruption. We want to ensure that they have the necessary resources and support to pursue their academic goals;
- foster community support - through community engagement, we aim to create a robust support network. This includes not only financial contributions but also spreading awareness, volunteering, and offering other forms of assistance.

With your support, we can achieve these goals and make a lasting impact on the lives of the affected students. Together, we can rebuild their hope and provide them with the resources they need to overcome this challenging situation.


Motivación e a quen vai dirixido o proxecto

The project "Rekindling Hope" was initiated in response to a devastating missile strike on Lviv, Ukraine, which caused severe damage to the dormitories of Lviv Polytechnic National University. The circumstances that led us to undertake this project were the dire situation faced by the students who were residing in those dormitories at the time of the attack.
The affected students were actively involved in volunteering efforts, including weaving camouflage nets and supporting the Ukrainian army. They were playing an important role in their community, dedicating their time and efforts to make a positive impact. However, the missile strike left them homeless and in urgent need of support.

Our project is geared towards various communities and users who share a common interest in supporting education, rebuilding communities, and providing aid to those affected by conflicts or disasters. It particularly resonates with:
1. Students and education advocates. This project aims to restore the living spaces of students who were actively involved in supporting their community and pursuing their education. Students and those who believe in the transformative power of education can connect with the cause and contribute to rebuilding their fellow students' lives.
2. Humanitarian and relief organizations. Organizations working in the field of humanitarian aid and disaster response can identify with the urgency of the situation and collaborate with us to provide support and resources for the affected students. They understand the importance of rebuilding communities and empowering individuals affected by conflicts or disasters.
3. Philanthropists and donors. Individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact and helping those in need can connect with our project. Our emphasis on community engagement and collective action allows philanthropists and donors to see the direct impact of their contributions and join us in rekindling hope for the affected students.
4. Local and global communities. The project seeks support from both local and global communities. Locally, the project connects with the residents of Lviv and Ukraine, encouraging them to come together and rebuild their educational institutions. Globally, individuals concerned about the wellbeing and future of students impacted by conflicts and disasters can rally behind our cause.

By highlighting the shared interests, problems, and tastes of these communities and users, we aim to create a sense of connection and empathy, enabling them to understand the importance of supporting the affected students and contributing to their recovery.

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Experiencia previa e equipo

Our team combines expertise in project management, crowdfunding, community engagement, education, and humanitarian aid to ensure the success of the project and create a positive impact on the lives of the affected students. It consists of dedicated individuals from various backgrounds who have come together to support the "Rekindling Hope" project:
Anna Shilinh and Pavlo Zhezhnych (Lviv Polytechnic National University), as members of the university, have a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by the affected students. Their insights help in planning and implementing the rebuilding efforts effectively.
Katerina Zourou, Kateryna Boichenko, Anna Skowron and Ioanna Tsakarelou (Web2Learn, Greece) bring expertise in project management, crowdfunding campaigns, and community engagement. Their experience in organizing and promoting initiatives for social causes ensures effective execution of the project.

Our team leverages the power of online platforms and social media to raise awareness, organize the crowdfunding campaign, and engage with the community. We have a dedicated website and social media channels to share updates, progress, and calls for support. Additionally, we collaborate with local and global organizations, educational institutions, and humanitarian networks to expand our reach and access additional resources.


Compromiso social

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

  • Educación de calidad

    Garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje durante toda la vida para todos

  • Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

    Promover sociedades, justas, pacíficas e inclusivas